Monday, July 25, 2011

Walking Among Greatness

Mark 8:22-25
For those of you who are keeping up with me...I am a week away from CFMT testing. 3 days of intense review and three days of testing, 8 written, 8 practical from some of the most respected & effective therapist in the US. YIKES! I would not have done this by my own prompting or passion. It is too great. God was so good to remind me this morning...through the help of Beth Moore that my vision is still impaired. The passage showed that partial healing/sight comes when we don't look completely UP TO HIM. That leaves us looking to our great mentors as TALLER than they are. More heightened than even they can handle. They of course deserve this respect...they have worked SOOO hard for it. It is theirs. But they are still human. They are people just like us and will ultimately crack under the pressure. We would too. It just reminds me that sight comes only from the Father. Capability and talent comes from HIM alone. We have GREAT, GIFTED teachers among us but all the gifts come from GOD ALONE. I must continue to look up and expect MORE from HIM.

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