Sunday, October 12, 2014

The Love of Family

Thursday after school/work Kent & Sharla and Jill and the boys started the long trip to Steamboat to visit. It was a weekend marked on the calendar that we all looked forward to for a long time. I had stashed back meals for the weekend and as always, had a blast planning the menu!

They were supposed to arrive Friday after lunch early afternoon. I was working and in typical clinic fashion, I silenced my cell phone and ignored the loud rattly, vibration against the wooden desk. I called them back an hour later before several of my last patients. I'M SO GLAD I DID.

Jill told me that they had been stopped on the road to give a statement for the horrific crash they had witnessed on Rabbit Ear Pass about 18 miles outside of Steamboat.  She said that they were re-routed and would be on the road longer than expected because the pass was now closed due to the wreck. A woman had been swerving violently lane to lane and they had called 911.  While on the phone reporting it, she hit a fuel tanker head on and burst into flames. They watched as the car burned, helpless to do anything.  Thankfully the trooper arrived within 3-5 minutes on-site and attempted to put out the flames. My heart dropped as she told me knowing that they had all just witnessed something terrible, the boys included.

Thankfully they got to my house about the time I was getting off work. It was the best feeling in the world walking into a loud, noisy, excited house.  I laugh thinking back about Friday night because we were all SO glad to see each other we were practically sitting on top of each other on the couch, in each other's face talking and completely content. I knew at one point I was sitting right next to Jill talking and the rest of the couch was open. I DID NOT CARE. It was so good to see her and everyone that I was literally glad to be near all of them again...and obviously near meaning as close as possible. (LOL)

Needless to say, we had a great weekend of foods, fall festivals, parks, shopping, games, church and togetherness. It just does not get better than that. Kent giving me a hard time for nothing and me egging him on. Sharla and I delving deep into our discussions about what God is doing and where we want to go with Him. McKenna talking about work and home and knowing that we were now just hours apart! Callee and Reece screaming and running through the house. Jill and I just enjoying watching the kids play and catching up.  Game night of mexican train dominos and Hedbanz and senseless laughter til you can't sit up straight and laughing just because you forgot what was really funny in the first place. These days are what memories are made of. These are the times when you wish family were closer, but thankful for the technology that makes it partially possible. The only thing that would have made it better was to see my dad and see our dogs again too.

I'm so grateful for my wonderful family. Each one of them is special. I love those boys and miss them. I miss the big family meals and weekends we had back home. I'm glad McKenna and Callee are close to us. It does make me dive deeper into why I'm here and why we said yes to Steamboat and fellowship. It is giving us more of a chance to become a closer family ourselves. I was reminded of that tonight as Reece read me a book and as Cale ran wildly through the house.  While we are missing our family we are thankful for the experiences that God is giving us here. What a wonderful place to have an adventure and become the best version of therapist and self that I can become. Lord teach me as I go. Lord teach us how to listen and let you lead.

Oh the memories they give us!

Granny teaches Reece what a SONIC cup looks like.

Aunt Jill giving Cale a dip in the pool

Graduation 2005 am/pm :)

 Our Boys

Baby Drew

  Whereever he is, she's right there. Sorry Dylan but she loves loves loves you!

The cool cats


Love and miss you all already! Thank you for loving and supporting us always!

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