Tuesday, January 29, 2013

God Shaped Hole

There is a pull in me stronger than anything I've known. It can make me stop and remember what is truly important. It is seeing a beautiful sunrise or sunset and being reminded that the Lord did that. He made that, painted that. No one else. It is seeing the magnitude of a mountain, topped with white powder and knowing that God can still move that mountain if He so chooses. It is seeing a child and knowing that people can take credit for that, but only God makes the cells to create a human being. There is something about the Lord and His great love that just becomes ingrained in us, in me. I'm so thankful for that. He's like breathing. Effortless to love when I remember what He did for me. How could I choose another when a love like that covers me?! I constantly feel the pull and stress and chaos of this world like we all do, but something else is greater still. His strength and provision. His grace. His mercy. I know that on my own I am nothing. I am dry and have very little to offer of value that can truly last. It is humbling to be reminded that others depend on me, count on me, and expect things from me. That pull reminds me where it comes from and WHO gives me what I need if I offer anything at all. That is so humbling. That pulls me to kneel and beg Him to work in me and through me because that is an enormous task. Just a few songs that whip me into that presence. Love me some worship for Him to fill me so that I can have something useful to pour back out. Look them up....enjoy that irresistible presence.

Kari Jobe- Revelation Song
Plumb- God Shaped Hole
Sidewalk Prophets- The Words I Would Say
The Stand

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