Thursday, January 26, 2012

Family and the Next Generation

That chokes me up just writing that title. There was a point in time where Jody and I were not sure that would even be possible. Family. We knew that it would be us and that was enough. After a very bad car accident, doctors told him that he would never be able to. Now of course we have 2 beautiful kids that remind us that God FULLY HEALS and FULLY ANSWERS. He does the impossible. Reece and Cale are the light of our lives. Sunshine and joy in the morning. Family is a precious word that I am so thankful for. Family means I don't have to go through this life alone and I get to past fun traditions and stories on to my kids. I also get to teach them about Jesus.....the most important part of my life. A relationship so special that it is unmatched by any other.  During my "isolation" time, God showed me how important it is to pass things on to them. To plan for them. Provide for them with His provision. To love and care for them. To detail "the little things" that make life sweeter and make them feel like no one is more important than them. It is a special gift to love your family and your kids with God's love. Unconditional. To teach them that life is beautiful and wonderful. But even more than you can imagine when HE is in your life and HE is your everything.
Beth Moore James study had a great tidbit this week. It talked about how life can sometimes get bitter because of people, situations, circumstances, or you fill in the blank. Jesus makes life sweeter. Exodus 15: 22-26, especially verse 25 says that the Lord showed Moses a piece of wood and he threw it in the water and made it sweet. Of course she draws you through the awesome parallel that the piece of wood that sweetened our life was the cross and what Christ has done for us. Truly awesome! I have chewed on that all day. What a great truth! I want to make their life sweeter because that what He has done for me and for them. I prayed that over my labs this morning that pure sweetness would take anything crazy out that my last set of test showed. Makes me sad that just when I thought I was done, another set commences. His blood can makes anything sweet and that is exactly what I am asking for.

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