Saturday, July 7, 2012


Jonah 4: 9-11
Considering that last chapter and verses in Jonah, I had a great eye opener this morning. It states that Jonah was more worried about the plant that God sent him to give him shade, withering up and dying. He was throwing a fit over a plant. God then enters and asked him why he had a right to be angry because (in a nutshell) Jonah didn't make the plant or tend to it, so why was he mad about it? God poses the final question like a dagger....shouldn't you care more about Nineveh than a plant? Basically, shouldn't you care more about people than your own comfort.
   It was a great reminder that our perspective is usually self-centered and it takes God to open our eyes to that. He wants us to care more about others that our own silly comforts and wants. He wants us to care about others more than all of our stuff. What a funny story to use. I can just picture Jonah sitting under his little plant, totally content with the shade and pitching a fit the next when it died like a 2 year old. Stomping his feet, throwing his arms down to make his argument, then enter GOD. Funny how often God probably shakes his head in love, mercy, and patience over me because it probably looks the same way....but Lord I hope not. I just want to say yes the first time instead of running, getting swallowed up and spit out, then pitching a fit like Jonah. Really when we all read the story of Jonah we find ourselves saying, "Stop. Get off the boat! The fish is coming stupid!" kinda like we might holler at a movie as if we can change the outcome or ending. The Lord was just good to remind me that if I think Jonah looked ridiculous and his running was futile, then why oh why do you think you can do anything beyond my reach? Point taken Lord!

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